Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Eighty Six 11/5/13


Finished the rest of the Naked protein shake.
Chocolate coconut

Once again, this bar was delicious. Wish I was rich so I could have more of these. 

Leftover chorizo, sweet potatoes, black beans and guac

Had some coco pb and a coconut creme pie bar. So hungry all the time but I don't ever want to eat all of our food. Gonna have to get over that. 

Watching CrossFit: Every Second Counts right now. 

Clearly still hungry. Had a bowl of applesauce with cinnamon. Then some sweet potatoes. Then some coconut cashews. 

And I'm still hungry. But gotta WOD soon sooooooo... 

I had a banana after the WOD.

Chorizo, sweet potatoes, black beans, spaghetti sqaush and guacamole

Made spaghetti sqaush before class and let's just say it was an interesting process. I've never made it before so I had no idea if it was done or what not. The recipe said 20 minutes to bake but I knew mine was large so I left it in for 45. It still wasn't finished. I pulled the spaghetti part out anyway because I wasn't sure and didn't want to burn it. Now I understand what to do and how to tell for next time. It tastes okay though. It's a pretty cool concept... 

Had a date and the rest of my chocolate coconut ice cream.

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