Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 130: 12/19/13

Hmm think back. Oh yeah. Had a bar on the way out and a leftover quesadilla peice from C when I got home.

Chicken with BBQ sauce, broccoli, black beans and a sweet potato

Had a date after. I don't remember exactly what else. I know I had some coco pb and a kind bar. 

Pork belly with kimchi rice and peas

Oh so good. Haven't had peas since paleo but these were delish. I had to get some after B was talking about his. I don't want to cut any veggies out anymore if they don't upset my stomach. And peas definitely don't. 

Had a bowl of ice cream and some pretzels after. Was sharing a cinnamon candy cane with Clyde but apparently he thought I only wanted a small bit of it. I was not amused. 

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